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Reflections on Clinical Trial Participation

Jerry and Senorita Jackson's Continuing Fight for Life

Jerry and Senorita talk about their motivation for being part of an investigational trial for a new drug therapy

Jerry tells about how he discovered he had prostate cancer and the treatments that he underwent in fighting the disease.

Dr. Elisabeth Heath, Jerry's doctor, talks about the clinical issues of his treatment and prognosis as part of the clinical trial.

Prostate cancer affects the entire family, not just the patient himself. Senorita Jackson speaks about how she and Jerry have faced the challenge together and her hopes for the future.

Jerry participated in an investigational study of the drug TAK-700. Here He and Senorita speak about their experiences with it and the impact that it has had on their lives.

For more information on clinical trials using TAK-700 click here

Finally, Jerry provides a rationale for all men to become more aware of, and responsible for, their health in order to insure the best possible quality of life.







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Considering a Clinical Trial?

While joining a clinical trial may not be a fitting choice for everyone, experts fear that too few cancer patients are even aware of the option. Less than 5% of cancer patients participate in clinical trials and, perhaps more tellingly, over 85% of patients in one poll said they did not know clinical trials were even available to them. What’s more, certain populations - racial and ethnic minorities, women, the elderly - are underrepresented in clinical trials, a deficit that could impact treatment in those populations.

If you have cancer, you owe it to yourself at least to put clinical trial participation "on your radar" in terms of possible treatment approaches. For more information on clinical trials, visit our page by clicking here

Dr. Elisabeth Heath of Karmanos Cancer Center talks about clinical trials and patient benefits of participating in them

Dr. Joshi Alumkal talks about the ongoing trials using TAK-700 and the potential patient benefit

Dr. Daniel Petrylak talks about the use of TAK-700 in combination with other therapeutic agents.



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